Thursday, January 1, 2015

The New Year

Two thousand and fourteen has come to a close and another year has begun.
At the beginning of last year, I had written a post entitled 2014 Resolutions. In it I wrote about my hopes for the coming year as well as a list of some things that I wanted to accomplish. I also stated that at the end of the year I would give a report of how things went in regard to my resolutions.
I completely forgot about writing this post until the last minute (or, the last day if you will), and that day was spent getting ready for and participating in a New Year's Eve party.
Anyway, better late then never right?
So here we go... resolution follow-up. :)

Personal Resolutions:

{Resolution 1}
To become more Resolute.

I have gotten better at this, though I still have to work on it. I do find myself being resolute for a longer period of time then the previous year, but I still have issues with sticking with something for more then a couple of months. Something I strive to become better at in 2015!

{Resolution 2}
To beat low self-esteem.

This has been extremely difficult for me to overcome, but I believe that I have become a lot better this past year with embracing who God made me to be. Once again, I hope to work on it some more this year!

{Resolution 3}
To take more advantage of writing inspiration.

I was doing great with this until the last couple of months of this year. For some reason, writing has become a struggle for me lately. I guess my lack of posting has made that obvious :)
My hope for this year is that I get back to where I was and become more of an intentional writer.

{Resolution 4}
To become a runner.

Wow. When I made this resolution I did not expect that I would not compete in a single race the whole year. I struggled with injury pretty much right from the beginning, and sadly was forced to stop running when I had worked my way up to twelve miles.
But I did learn a lot this year about running, which has contributed to my becoming a runner.
I learned that a healthy diet is very important for maximum performance.
I have learned about different types of runs and running styles.
I have tried new training plans.
And I have learned the very important lesson about listening to what my body is telling me and not always needing to run through the pain.
Working my way back up from absolutely nothing has been frustrating. As a result, since my injury, I have been running sporadically, but not consistently. I was able to do some winter running in December, (which I surprisingly found enjoyable!) and I hope to become more committed this year.
I am going for that full marathon!

{Resolution 5}
To read God's word and spend time with Him everyday.

Though I did not complete the every-single-day goal, the quantity and quality of my time spent with Jesus last year was definitely improved. The lessons that He taught me, and the things that He showed me about who He is has caused me to fall even deeper in-love with Him.
This year, I am going to attempt again this same resolution. My top goal for 2015 is to make Jesus the King of my heart and cause my world to revolve around Him. Daily time spend talking to and learning about Him and His heart is something that will propel me in the right direction.

Blogging Resolutions:

{Resolution 1}
To become more real.

I think I have gotten better at this. :)
The biggest lesson I have learned about realness and vulnerability is that while they are a good thing, they have their proper place. There are different levels of "real" and "vulnerable", some are appropriate for the world wide web, while some need to be reserved for the people that you know and love and who know and love you.
While I don't want to put on this perfect front, and pretend that I have it all together all the time, I don't want to become the person that blogs to complain about situations and struggles simply for the sake of not being fake.
It all comes back to the new resolution I have of becoming more intentional. I want each post I write to have a purpose, because of purpose that I have found. It is then that the realness and vulnerability that I show will be genuine and meaningful.

{Resolution 2}
To blog every day for one month of the year.

YAY!!! I did this!! :)

{Resolution 3}
To pick a month in which I post a picture of myself everyday.

I tried several different months to start this, but somehow never felt right about it. I guess I am just not into selfies. :)

Now, 2015.
A new year, a fresh start.
After reflecting on all that God has done in my life last year, I am super excited for what He has in store for me in the year to come!!

Happy New Year everyone!!

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